National Day Parade

Sunday, August 14, 2011

A couple of days ago, I watched the National Day Parade live. However, after the parade, I felt distinctly underwhelmed. I felt that this years parade was not very well planned, and it failed to capture the proper emotions that should be present on Singapore's birthday. In this post, I would like to talk about both the good and the bad points in this year's NDP.

Firstly, I felt that this year's NDP lacked creativity. The NDP started off well enough, with the usual marching etc. but when it progressed into the story, I completely lost interest. The storyline was simplistic, and also cliche. I do not think many people were able to connect with the skit. I also feel that the "growing up" story is overdone and fails to "wow" citizens. The acting was also not very good, and it conveyed very little emotion to me.

Secondly, I do not think that this years NDP captured the "Singapore spirit" at all. The dancing char siew bao's added some humor to the performance, but the play was needlessly long, and most of the audience tuned off halfway through. I think that there are much better ways to show the "Singapore spirit".

However, a good point was that I felt the actors and the dancers were all enthusiastic about what they were doing. I think that enthusiasm is very important as well, and the performers accomplished that well. The actors in the play looked as if they enjoyed themselves, and their attitude definitely improved the play.

In conclusion, I do not think that this year's NDP was as good as last year's, but I enjoyed most of the performance :)


Ivan said...

Dear Kenneth,

I do agree that the storyline gets boring as the performance progresses, I did indeed switch channels halfway through the performance. For me, I found the first part of the performance where the different races were symbolised through their culture and dances engaging enough. After all, they remind us of who we are. However, later on as the play progresses, the idea of using the birth of a newborn as a symbol of the birth of a new nation gets even more draggier. This includes the irrelevant dances when the mother was looking for the lost boy. Instead of using such an analogy, the performance could have included something which both the younger generations and older generations can connect to.

The theme for this year’s National Day is “Majulah! The Singapore Spirit”. Many people have debated over what the Singapore spirit is. But is a definite national spirit really that important? I do not think so. The Singapore spirit could be one related to physical items like our food and language, but it could also remind us of something like excellence, or perseverance. Regardless the case, what I feel the Singapore spirit should encompass is most importantly something Singaporeans can connect to and that we are proud of this spirit.

As for the National Day Parade, with the comfort in front of our TV screens, we cannot see and imagine the hard work and effort put in by the performers and we ought to applaud their effort and enthusiasm.


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