England Riots

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Just a few days ago, widespread rioting and looting occurred in England, in response to the death of Mike Duggan, who was shot and killed by police. There are also several more causes, such as the economic crisis, which caused high unemployment, poverty and a lack of social services. An initially peaceful protest turned violent due to a lack of response by the police. In this post, I would like to voice my thoughts on the protests.

The riots highlight the the rampant poverty suffered by many of the British. I think it also showed effectively the discontent towards the government felt by many citizens. The government is clearly not efficient in meeting the needs of the people.

However, the riots also encouraged opportunists to come forward and take advantage of the chaos in London. Even though they were not poor or unemployed, they were greedy and simply rioted for their own gain. I think that these people are frankly quite pathetic. You already have money, a home, a job. Are you so desperate for free goods that you descend to looting?

The prime minister of Britain made a proposal that the rioters be evicted from subsidized housing. I think that this is a step in the wrong direction. The citizens are rioting because they are dissatisfied with the government. Would this move not cause even more dissatisfaction? Eventually, it might spark off more riots. There have already been several casualties in the riots, and it would be tragic to have even more.

Personally, I hope that the government of Britain will be able to meet the needs of its citizens in future, to prevent more of such incidences occurring.


Leonard said...

Hi Kenneth,

You post has really vivid descriptive and gives a very good background on the current uproar in England. However, your did not provide sufficient amount of your opinion. You could have included more of your perspective to make it better.

In my opinion, I think that such acts of looting are very inconsiderate. They do not think about the shop keepers at all. Let me provide a real life example. Yesterday, on the news, a Barber shop, owned by a poor old man, which is in the epicenter of the uproar, was in ruins thanks to the teenagers. He does not have enough money to rebuild his shop. As a result, he has no means of earning money anymore. They did not think before they act. They caused him to suffer through their enjoyment. If they had just gave a thought to the shop keepers, such uproar would not occur at all. Perhaps, it is not the shop keepers’ fault that Mike Duggan was killed by the police.

I have some questions for you to think about. What will you do if you are the Prime Minister of England? Do you think such acts are acceptable?


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