To Kill A Mockingbird Personal Response

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Harper Lee's novel is full of interesting and richly painted characters. Which character was your favourite and why?

My favourite character in the novel is Ms Maudie. She enjoys the childrens company as they enjoy hers, and she bakes food for them to eat. She is very understanding towards the children, never imposing her own point of view onto them, like Aunt Alexandra, but taking them seriously. She does not treat them like children, but more of equals, and she always prepared to agree with the children. Ms Maudie is very practical, never dwelling on the past, but always looking to the future. For example, when her house burned down, she did not dwell on it, but immediately planned for the future. She is also intelligent, and took on the role as one of the childrens many educators. I think that she is one of the few character's that Scout really trusts, and I think that is because she does not impose on Scout's point of view, and is always prepared to listen to Scout.

Ms Maudie is my favourite character because I really like her personality. I enjoy her practicality as I find that I do not really like characters who are overemotional or too sensitive. Most of all, I like the way she always listens to others, never shutting them out. I think that she is one of the most major educators in the childrens lives, even though she is not a main character in the story.


LWH said...

I agree with what you say about Ms Maudie. She is like a mother to the children; she always hears Scout aned Jem out, and cares about their feelings; she never laughed at Scout unless she was trying to be funny. Also, she is always prompting them to think deeper and for themselves. Despite her somewhat minor role in the story, she plays an important part in the psychological growth of Jem and Scout.

Lam Wen Hong (16) 2I1

ohcoolwhatzthat said...

Hello Kenneth. I agree with your points about Miss Maudie. You have done a good and accurate job of portraying her in the story as a motherly figure, with a practical personality. However, you could also mention how she was very firm on her own opinion, like Stephanie Crawford, sprigs of nutgrass found in her garden and Christianity. In my opinion, she was actually sort of forcing her opinion onto the children by telling them these things in a strict, commanding tone that demanded agreement.

Tan Jiefeng said...

Hi Kenneth,

I feel that your description of Ms Maudie is accurate. You could also include how she shares with the children about Boo Radley without a biased point of view, and instead with a very fair and truthful view. I agree that she is an important educator in the story along with Atticus and Calpurnia, and perhaps her care for her flowers somehow relates to how she cares for the children as well. Her conversations with them definitely help them with their understanding of Maycomb's society. I can see why she is your favourite character!


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